As part of our ongoing effort to better our systems, we've made minor feature updates to improve usability. The following will be updated:
Provider Reject Report: Tuesday, 7/13
Updated the document details pop-up that displays when the "count" hyperlink is selected to include a reject reason.
CMS1500 Editor: Tuesday, 7/20
Adding the carrier information to the CMS1500 Editor under the "More Claim Level Information" hyperlink. This information is shown next to the "Edit Ambulance Information" and "Edit EOB Information," as seen in the photos below.
CMS1500 & HCFA Suffix Field Editor Update
Implementing a togglable suffix field within the CMS1500 and HCFA claim editors. Users will be able to edit and update the member suffix information as needed, shown in the photo below. The go-live date remains TBD as changes are still being tested. We will communicate further once the updates are ready.