Security Notifications:
Request Secure TLS Connection
We have seen an increase in phishing attempts recently, where attackers are mimicking secure email shells. In the coming weeks, we will discontinue the support of secure email shells. We request that you either stop sending PHI over email or set up TLS connectivity between our mail servers so we can continue to protect your data.
Setting up TLS connectivity is typically a quick and simple update that involves adding our domains ( and to your email server and having SDS add your domains to our server. Then, we both send an email to each other to verify that the message was indeed encrypted. We’ve set up this connection with other companies many times and would be happy to provide details to your systems administration team if that would be helpful.
Security has always been a priority for SDS and helping prevent successful phishing attempts greatly helps SDS support your workflow. It’s easier and more secure for our Support Teams to manage and reply to emails if they come directly into our email inbox rather than logging into a secure shell. The TLS connection also meets HIPAA requirements as the connection between our mail servers is completely encrypted.
If you have not set up TLS connectivity with SDS, please reach out to your Support Team and they will be happy to work with your team to get this set up!