This is an internal report route update, no customer impact is expected.
New Features:
Workflow Queue Permission Groups
With Workflow Queue Permission Groups, you can easily define and manage access to a set of workflow queues.
The Workflow Queue Permission Group interface is NOT enabled by default. Existing users will not have access to this workflow, nor will they see any changes. If you would like to utilize this functionality, please reach out to your support representative so it can be enabled. For details of the feature, see more below:
Permission Group Creation:
Permission groups are created on the Permission Group Interface. This is accessible through the edit user link while viewing QuickClaim Users. Permission Groups are composed of a name to identify and describe the set of access, and the subset of workflow queues you would like to associate with that group.
Permission Group User Assignment:
Users can then be assigned to a permission group to easily include a set of queues, or they can be added individually to fully customize an individual’s access.
Workflow Queue Auto-Assignment
The workflow management queue can now support automatic document assignment! This is to further support workflow management in different departments or pipelines.
This update will NOT impact existing workflow queues. If requested, automatic document assignments can be implemented in your existing workflow queues. For details of the feature, see more below:
Supervisors can be configured to manage document assignments. They have the ability to view assigned and completed documents. They can also re-assign an already assigned document to a new user.
Assigned Documents:
Completed Documents:
A user that has access to the workflow queue interface and can make document changes that are not supervisors are non-supervisor users. These users will have documents automatically assigned to them when they select the “Checkout Document” link. The “Assigned” tab will show the user the documents that are currently assigned to them to be worked.